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Where smart people do their life's work.

Macro is an AI workspace for all your research, writing and notes.

For one person

Macro Free

Use advanced AI models for free! limited to 100 documents.

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For one person

Macro Pro

All features + unlimited storage. Use code EDU for 75% off.

Buy Pro - $20/month

For teams

Macro Enterprise

Team management and enterprise features.

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"This product has significantly improved my workflow and productivity. I can't imagine going back to how things were before."
— Vice President, Wall St. Investment Bank


Built-in editors for code, word, notes and pdf

Free access to the latest AI models from Anthropic, OpenAI and Google.

AI chat
AI popups

Understand anything instantly with AI popups

Read and understand any text instantly with AI popups. No more switching tabs or searching for definitions.

See it in action
document linking

Take notes and hyperlink everything together with @

Effortlessly take notes and hyperlink references using @ to keep everything connected and accessible in your workspace.


Write like Hemingway
(or Einstein, or Scalia)

Highlight terms for instant definitions
and speed-read complex documents.


Automate repeated work with AI "macros"

View or create your own AI macros to streamline your workflow and focus on what truly matters.

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ai model selection

Free private access to the latest AI models.

Access Claude, OpenAI and Google models. We don't train on your chats. Your data is private.

Never "lose" a file again.

We've been there: 17 tabs open with Google Docs, PDFs and webpages.

In Macro, files open so quickly that we don't have a concept of open files, you can just access anything instantly.

Macro Tabs

Organize your work into Projects and see highlights across your documents.

See all your annotations across dozens or hundreds of docs. Great for academic research, litigation binders or class notes!

Macro Tabs

Get everything on one screen.

Split-screen code and output. PDF and AI Chat. Notes and PDFs...

Split screen

Use keyboard shortcuts to search and switch files.

Just type cmd + k to bring up the menu anywhere.

Macro Shortcuts

Governance Grid, by Macro

Trusted by regulated banks and law firms

SSO + SAML and 2FA

Configure logins with any provider e.g. Microsoft, Google or Okta.


Global Scalability

Access documents from Beijing to New York in a split second.


Audited & Encrypted

Macro follows all secuity best practices like encryption in transit and at rest and holds SOC 2 and ISO certifications.


Extensible Open Platform

Build your own enterprise integrations and 'blocks' on top of our codebase.

import { useState } from 'react'
import { Switch } from '@headlessui/react'

function Example() {
	const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(true)

	return (
		<form action="/notification-settings" method="post">
			<Switch checked={enabled} onChange={setEnabled} name="notifications">
				{/* ... */}