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One AI Workspace

Chat and collaborate with AI. Edit pdfs, docs, notes, code and diagrams in one place.

No credit card required
Trusted by 40k users

Macro is private and secure.

We are audited annually and have strict controls in place as described in our Trust Center.

We do not view or train on your data or documents — they are private to you/your company

Data is encrypted in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access

We maintain Zero Data Retention (ZDR) agreements with AI models providers like OpenAI, Anthropic and Google

SOC II Type 2

SOC II Type 2

ISO 27001

ISO 27001

Built-in editors for code, word, notes and pdf

Access the latest AI models from Anthropic, OpenAI and Google all in one tab.

AI chat
AI popups

Understand anything instantly with AI popups

Read and understand any text instantly with AI popups. No more switching tabs or searching for definitions.

document linking

Take notes and hyperlink everything together with @

Effortlessly take notes and hyperlink references using @ to keep everything connected and accessible in your workspace.


Highlight to speed-read complex documents

Highlight text for instant summaries,
or translate text to any language.

A perfect fit for everyone

For one person

Macro Free

Use advanced AI models for free! Limited to 25 documents.

For one person

Macro Pro

All features + unlimited storage. Ideal for professionals.

For teams

Macro Enterprise

Team management and enterprise features.

Every file.
Every AI model.
One place.

Join 25,000+ happy users. As seen in...

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